Siva is the Hindu god of destruction. Siva's role is to destroy the universe in order for things to be re-created.

“Siva is often shown to be in deep meditation or to be dancing the eternal dance of creation and destruction. When shown dancing, he is referred to as ‘Nataraja’- the ‘lord of the dance’ and is usually dancing on top of the body of a small demon figure- called ‘Apasmara’. In Hindu mythology, Apasmara represents ignorance- the enemy of enlightenment. Siva is often shown with a bull called Nandi. Nandi is Siva’s vehicle and symbolises strength and faith. ”
“He often is shown with a snake coiled around his neck- this is said to be symbolic of many thingsmastering fear, self control and even the different coils of the snake represent past, present and future. ”
  • “ A drum (called a damaru) – this represents the sound of creation and development. ”
  • “ Fire- Siva sometimes is shown holding or surrounded by the fire of creation (Agni) ”
  • “ his empty hands are sometimes shown making symbolic gestures and hand shapes used in Indian dance. ”


Non-Stop Sivan Songs
Siva is usually shown with four arms and carries:
  • A trident (called a Trishula)- this is to fight enemies with as the three prongs of the trident represent the 3 primary qualities of nature- Rajas, Sattya and Tamas. (Rajas symbolises creation, Sattya symbolises preservation and Tamas symbolises destruction).
  • A drum (called a damaru) – this represents the sound of creation and development.
  • Fire- Siva sometimes is shown holding or surrounded by the fire of creation (Agni)
  • his empty hands are sometimes shown making symbolic gestures and hand shapes used in Indian dance.


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